Outfit of the Week: The Easter Dress
As it was sunny, I figured it was time to feature a dress on here. Though to be honest, with the recent down pours/general greyness I was in no way prepared and am as pale as possible. Jokes, I’m almost always this pale… I’ve yet to find the motivation for daily fake tan, and pale is interesting… right guys?
I originally bought this dress for work, but it came on holiday with me and now I guess it’s transitioned into an Easter dress. When I bought this, I wasn’t completely convinced. As a rule I’m not a fan of elasticated waists, they just never seem to sit right on me; as you can see in most of these photos. However I loved the bird print, and I think the blue is quite nice shade of royal. I got it from New Look quite a while back but haven’t really worn it. Care-free flying birds just don’t really go with thick winter tights for some reason.
The shoes are the same New Look courts that were bought in a hurry and feature in this other Outfit of the Week post. To say I prefer a lot of my other (more colourful) shoes I apparently wear these quite a bit as they go with basically everything.
The bag is possibly the cutest thing I’ve seen this month. It’s cheerful, tiny and just makes people instantly happy. I wish I could tell you it is mine; but it’s actually stolen from my sister, who also took the photos for this post. So big up my big sister, yo.
As I’m uploading these photos I’ve noticed two things; firstly when the sun is in my eyes and I go a bit squinty my cheeks do the impossible and become even chubbier. Who knew this could happen?
Secondly I noticed that my current manicure actually matches this outfit; this wasn’t planned, but feel free to pretend I’m a style guru and give me the credit for it all the same 😉 The blue is Rimmel’s 60 Second Dry range and the little lime slice is from a Poundland set. Just FYI, turns out Rimmel is really good for sticking nail art on… 4 days on and I’m yet to lose a lime.
The more observant amongst you will have notice I have a fringe in these photos. I haven’t had one cut, because basically I can’t be bothered with the constant up-keep it would demand. Instead this is just a fake-fringe, made with the strategic use of bobby-pins.
No promises, but there may be a blog post and a vine coming dedicated to fake fringes this weekend. I can’t guarantee it because the boyf and I are having a night away, so there is a good chance I may get distracted. Soz.
Cute, bright and cheery!
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