7 Good Things – 17.07.2017
- Date Nights – The weekend just gone me & Craig headed out for cocktails and food. Admittedly with things being a bit hectic recently we’d let date nights slide. Or at least date nights that were ‘out out.’ But it was really nice to be able to get a bit dressed up, drink cocktails and kiss on street corners.
- Surprises – Or to be specific surprise holidays! During our date night Craig dropped the bombshell he wanted to take me on holiday. After both deciding holidays were out of the question this year it was an amazing surprise. He had apparently been planning it for quite a while, who knew I lived with such a sneak!
- Right Time Right Place – I have a secret skill. Give me a pair of work shoes and I can destroy them in record time (it’s hard going sitting at a desk, eh?) but when I went to buy some more this weekend it turned out there was a sale on, including a skirt I’d been eyeing up for a good few months. Kerching!
- They Call Him Mr Lovin Lovin – Last Sunday the Mckavett-Cotzec household descending into chaos. To put it bluntly, Craig caught the rabbits at it like… well, rabbits. Cue a few hours trying to build a make shift barrier in their cage, parents being called out and a few day worrying that I’d end up with an extra 50 rabbits as they just kept humping. However a trip to the vets later and it turns out that actually, they’re just boys with raging hormones.
- Cactus Cocktail Glasses – Admittedly these are a bit awful. Imagine a 70’s cocktail glass where the stem is a glass cactus. Awful, ugly, but totally amazing.
- Finding New Blogs – Although I’ve followed some bloggers on twitter for a while, I’ve only just started actively searching out new blogs to read. I’ve recently discovered Sophierosie.com and love her style.
- Deadline Pressure – With the deadline for my uni assignment looming, I’ve managed to push through loads more than usual. I *think* I may work best under pressure, but whatever it is I love feeling like I’m finally making progress.
I may be setting myself up for a fail here, because I doubt next week’s post will top this. After all, it’s not every day a cute guy offers to whisk you away – but this weekend has really re-ignited my motivation and I can’t wait to see what the new week brings!
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