Our Engagement Story
It’s been over a whole month since I got engaged. Firstly, how fast has that gone? Secondly, I wanted to do post on it for a while, but knew I wanted to talk about it in real life with some of my favourite people first. So here we are…
As Craig had booked us a surprise holiday, we headed off to Crete for a week of sunshine, exploring and relaxation. (You can see my blog & photo diary here)
The first few days were like any good holiday, filled with new towns, selfies and cheap local spirits. On the Sunday night, we got dressed up and headed out for dinner. As ever I was running slightly late when I was getting ready (I’m blaming the crappy hotel hairdryer, not my time keeping, obviously.)
The restaurant was up a giant hill and as we were running slightly late, the outside seating area was completely empty despite the stunning views of bay of Elounda. To the right was the glittering lights of the resort, and to the left, lit up against the dark sea was Spinalonga – the fort shining in a yellow glow.
After dinner, as we finished our wine Craig turned the topic of conversation to how long we’d been together… then asked the dreaded “how do you think it’s going?”
Now, I have read enough women’s magazines in my life for this question to bring a quick flash of fear. My mind raced back to all those moments even I knew I was being hard to live with. I told him I thought things were going good, really good – and said a silent prayer he was thinking the same.
Then it happened. He proposed.
I’d like to tell you all of the tiny, perfect details but the next few moments are a blur. He was at my side, on bended knee asking me to marry him. And I was a shocked, teary mess. Such a teary mess I accidentally ruined his new shirt – It turns out waterproof mascara is washing machine proof too.
After a few more minutes of oh-my-god-we’re-engaged excitement, and with smudged mascara, and even more smudged lipstick, we slipped off back to the hotel room to spread the good news with our close and family and friends.
So there you have it, I’m engaged and happier than ever. And you lot are going to get spammed by some engagement and wedding themed posts. #SorryNotSorry.
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