14 Good Things – 6.12.2016
Hmm… I did intend to have these 7 good things, or ‘ good thing to be thankful for ‘ posts go out at the start of every week, a little way to brighten up Mondays I guess. But last week flew by so quickly I missed it. Good one Bex. I really enjoy writing these as it kind of forces me to be more thankful in general –and I hope you like reading them too. As such, here’s a bumper one featuring two week’s worth of good things to be thankful for.
- A Short Week
I know in the last post I was all like ‘be grateful you have a job’ but at the risk of sounding like a bit of a hypocritical Hayley, here’s to the shorter working week. I only worked two days, and there’s just something sweet knowing the rest of the world has already been slaving away for two hours as your only just getting dressed.
- Bobble Hats.
I have a new bobble hat. Is this an exciting, ground breaking blog or what? But yeah, not only is it really cosy it also makes me feel like a walking Pinterest board.
- Cheap Travel
It utterly amazes me to think that just a handful of generations ago travel was only something very few people could afford. We are so lucky that it’s possible to travel hundreds of miles as cheaply as we do. Talking of which, I recently went on a mini-cruise to Amsterdam – you can read about it here.
- Quality Time
Following on from cheap travel was quality time. Going away meant me and Craig got to spend a lot more time together than we normally do, plus we had a max of 30 minutes of wifi so there was very little distraction in the way of phones. Between work, uni, friends and other commitments it’s lovely to be able to spend some proper time with people who are good for your soul.
- Pushing Boundaries
Lol, another travel related one. Though to be fair, that is what most of the week consisted of. This week I drove to Hull and back – it’s only a two and a half hour drive but the thought of it was *almost* enough to make me wish I hadn’t of booked the trip. Now that I’ve done it though I am so proud of myself and feel so much more confident getting to new places. Sometimes you just have to be forced out of your comfortzone.
- Making The Effort For People
Before I went away, my sister popped down to see me. I may have only been going for three nights but it was so sweet that she would make the effort to see me off. It’s a cliché but it often is the small things that make you go all soft and “N’awww.”
- Getting into a Routine.
How old and boring do I sound? Not going to lie though, I love a routine. I’ve recently started waking up earlier, doing some uni work before work and then either continuing it or blogging in my lunch break. Having a routine just makes me feel so much more in control and motivated somehow.
- Book Fairs
Maybe it’s the English grad in me, but I love a good book fair. Our local Methodist church recently held one, and it is safe to say I’m now well stocked up for cosy winter nights.
- Fluffy Socks
Sound the Sexy Girlfriend Claxon. Last time me and Craig went shopping I snapped up some fluffy slipper socks, and oh my… they are life. They make me feel so snuggly and chilled out its untrue.
- Quotes
I recently read a quote on Human’s of New York, by a subject who just totally got it. Side note, is that what they’re called? The people in the photos? Anyway I showed it to a few colleagues as it just perfectly summed up some of the daily frustrations of working in an office. When you’re not sure how to express something, finding out someone else has already done it is just brill.
- Christmas Songs
As my new car has a digital radio, I’ve now discovered the Christmas channel and oh golly gosh. They just instantly get me feeling positive and ready to take on the world.
- Knowing Your Family is Safe
That said about Christmas songs, one of them did get to me a bit. Stop the Cavalry by Jona Lewie really got me thinking about people, now and in the past that have to face Christmas not knowing if their loved ones are safe. I’m so lucky to not be able to imagine a Christmas with half the people missing, or away at war.
- Finding THAT Gift
You know that present, where you’re just like “YES! So-and-so will love this!” I love knowing someone will like their present, plus the relief you get as you cross them off the Christmas list.
- Sense of Community
On the weekend just gone, I accompanied Craig to a charity snooker tournament at the working men’s club in which he works. As we hear more and more about the world being divided and a loss of local communities, it was lovely to see how strong a community feel the place had.
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