Outfit of the Week: The Go To Wrap Dress
Before we start I feel like I should grovel to you because of the quality of these photos. Earlier in the week, I had been playing around with the settings on my phone’s camera; and I am yet to work out what I’ve actually done (and how to undo it.)
Also, I’m yet to persuade anyone else that fashion photography is actually their calling, so selfies it is.
This week, I was really stumped at what to wear for this blog post. Tonight was the only night I could have a photography session but as I had eaten all the food, nothing was going to look brilliant. So hey ho, here’s the go to wrap dress.
This dress is part of my dream workwear wardrobe, it’s just below the knee and fairly demure in its print, so great for the office. Also, women of a certain age all rage about wrap dresses because ‘they hide all the lumps and bumps’ apparently. What more could I want?
I tried to get a close up here, so you could see the wrap detail, but all that is really standing out in the photo is my lovely chipped nails (you can read a post on this nail varnish here) – just keeping it real, dawwg. I also feel like one of my arms looks a bit weird, as if it’s been superimposed there, but it hasn’t, I promise.
I paired this dress with a plum lip because I felt like this outfit needed a splash of colour, but at the same time I didn’t want to go too bright. The shoes are just a pair of plain patent court shoes, because nothing says an easy outfit like black court shoes.
The print of this dress includes whites, creams and greys, which I really like. I feel that if this dress wasn’t so multi-tonal it would be a bit boring, or even a little bit past it. I also like the sleeve length, if like me you work in a freezing cold office; they will keep out the chill. However, because they are cropped you can also show off your babein new bracelet. If (unlike me) you remember to put one on, obz.
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