Outfit of the Week: The Casual Top Every #FBlogger Needs….
I actually got this top a week or two back; when I saw it I couldn’t get over just how perfect it was. My boyfriend literally let out a little groan because he could guess what was to come. Just in case you’re on a phone with a small screen; let me read that t-shirt slogan for you “Outfit of the Day…”
See; dreamy. Spot on. Absolutely perfect.
I bought it without trying it on, because ya know, how wrong can a grey t-shirt go? And I suppose it hasn’t gone very wrong but it’s not exactly the most flattering thing in my wardrobe, so I’ve been delaying putting it on the blog. Even though the slogan pretty much demands it.
Because it’s not that flattering (and is a fairly plain grey top) this has become my weekend top. My running errands, whilst possibly not wearing a full face of makeup top. If the t-shirt is so ‘fashion blogger’ surely not wearing much makeup just naturally transcends into going for the ‘natural look’ right? Not the ‘I can’t really be bothered today look.’
While I love it for the obvious reasons, I also love it because it just shows how much more mainstreamed blogging, and fashion blogging in particular, has become. More and more people are finding ways to express themselves, to share their passions and to show the rest of us what an outfit looks like on a normal person.
Ok, some of the serious fashion bloggers are practically model-like with their proportions and glossiness – but the majority aren’t. The majority are the ones we look to when we wonder if that dress will look good in real life, not just on the website under all the lights and none of the carbs. The majority are just normal people showing you how style up an outfit in a way you wouldn’t have thought have; and a way a magazine would never have dreamt of.
The t-shirt is from Primark and was about £8-9, but feels surprisingly good quality. I can imagine this top will stand up to a good few waltzes in the washing machine.
You can’t really see on this photo (blame my niece and current photographer for that, then again she’s only ten; so maybe hold back on the blame-game) but I’ve teamed this with some gorgeous grey suedette loafers (also from Primark) that are my current favourite flats. Just in case you were wondering which shoe was my favourite flat these days. I call them seudette, after stealing that term from someone at work; because let be honest, that sounds a dozen times better than fake-suede. And it makes me feel so much less studenty and more like a proper adult. Which is always good.
[…] Now that the winter weather is drawing in, I’ve started eyeing up the big jumpers. Alas, it hasn’t quite been that cold so those bad boys have stayed relegated to the closet. I’ve been wearing this top to work practically every week since I picked it up from Primark along with the ‘outfit of the day’ t-shirt. […]