Good Things – 15.07.2017
Lately I’ve been reading Ice Cream For Breakfast (so prepare yourself for a blog post on that baby) and it’s got me seriously re-evaluating how I want to spend my time. And looking at my Good Things for the week just gone, I can see its already having a bit of an effect, I don’t want to delve to deep into the book here –especially as I haven’t got to the end of it yet! So without further ado, here are my 7 Good Things.
- Healthy Pets – This weeks the bunnies had the snip, which I didn’t think would be that big of a deal. For me obviously, I’m guessing it was a bigger to them. Anyway I expected them to come home a bit sore, but otherwise OK. Little did I know they would need round the clock supervision the next day as it’s a critical period for rabbits. Big shout out to mum and dad for being stellar baby sitters!
- Weekends that feel like weekends – It can be easy to fall into the trap of spending your weekend catching up on things you didn’t do through the week, or just recovering from the working week. However for the past two weekends I’ve made sure to do something a bit more fun and different, and it has made the world of difference to my outlook.
- Fruit – This week me and Craig seem to have been on a fruit binge, and it has felt so good to feel like we’re being a bit healthier.
- Quality Time – Talking of fruit, on Sunday me and Craig went to Hardcastle Craggs – a local walking area. One of my favourite moments was sitting on a bench by the river sharing some strawberries in the sun.
- Bullet Journal – Yup I’m still on with the bullet journal. Even though I’m not as dedicated too it as I once was, getting everything down on paper really helps me feel more in control and ready to boss it.
- Secrets of Silicon Valley – It may the digital marketer in me, but either way I am fascinated by the data social media collects on us all – and how it uses it. I came across this series this week and found it fascinating to see just how Trump utilised Facebook, I can’t wait until the next episode!
- Inspiration – I used to write a lot of fiction, but in the past months (or dare I say year?!) i seem to have fallen out of the habbit. However this week I’ve just had that creative urge to create something. Today I also read a great post about why you should nurture your creativity – read it here.
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