7 Good Things: What I’m Thankful For this Week 21.11.2016
Hold up, I’mma let you finish reading but…
I haven’t had the chance to do any photography this weekend, so let’s all enjoy a throw back to Summer, sunshine and being able to take blog photos whenever you want. Not just in the 30 minutes of lightness per day.
- Counting Down to Christmas
This Sunday, me & Craig (who you can read about here) headed off to Blackburn to get some bits for mini-break this week. And I felt amazingly Christmassy. We picked up some gifts, listened to Christmas songs and had Black Forest Hot Chocolates from Costa as we drove past the snow capped hills. Ahhh roll on the big day!
- New Hair
I made a snap decision this week and the blonde has gone. I repeat the blonde has gone. I’ve now got a shoulder length hair that’s brown blending into a warm copper. And I feel as sassy as a sassy thing. Plus you can read my hair care tips here, if you want to give yours a treat.
- Things to Look Forward To
This year one of the things I wanted to work on was planning more things to look forward to. Although life at the moment is pretty darn dandy, having something on the horizon can make all those long work days seem that bit easier to endure. The next thing coming up is a trip to Amsterdam and I cannot wait.
- Silly Ideas
I spent my Sunday afternoon watching the boyfriend attempt to fish cherries (and stalks) out of four cold hot chocolates. What about you babes? Looking back, buying a round from Costa before heading home down the motorway wasn’t the brightest idea. However sometimes you’ve just got to be a bit daft.
- Old Traditions
Recently my mum attempted to show me how to make a 3d paper star from four strips of paper. I am still totally flummoxed on how to make them, but I really want to learn how to master them. I’m told by a girl at work that in Poland (her home country) they teach children how to make them in Primary school. But to me they always remind me of my mum and Christmas.
- Quick Pampering
I’d love to say I’m one of those women that have enough free time to go off for weekly pamper sessions. Though weirdly work, uni and blogging seems to get in the way some how *insert thinking face emoji here* A few days ago however I did a Garnier Moisture Bomb Tissue Mask. Was it relaxing? Not really, but my skin does look a billion times better for it.
- A Full Time Job
I think we all have days where work is just ‘Uhh.’ And when you’re going in day after day you can start taking having a job for granted, however its only when you know someone who is looking for work you realise how lucky you are to have safe, steady employment and a promise of money at the end of the month.
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