7 Good Things – 19.02.2018
Lately I’ve been feeling a bit afloat and, to put it bluntly a bit crap (more of that in future posts.) This weekend however it was as if the clouds lifted, I felt lighter, more focused and more positive. I was ready to finally get my shit together again. I even cleaned the inside of the car. Shock Horror.
But now it’s Monday and I’m writing this post from my sick bed, praying this is a temporary blip and not the bug that’s been flying about the office.
So in an effort to cheer myself up, I thought it was high time to relaunch the ‘Seven Good Things’ series to try and appreciate the small things that made me happy in the past week. I used to love writing these posts, and you guys seemed to like reading them… So let’s get started
- No De-Icing – How good does it feel to get up in the morning, look out of the window and see a clear windscreen? No frozen fingers and rushing about for me!
- Lighter Evenings – Today as I drove out of work I actually debated whether I needed to put my lights on. Even though there’s technically the same amount of hours in the evenings, when it gets lighter it just feels like we have so much more free time.
- Being Honest – I know I can talk to my family and friends about anything, but that doesn’t mean its always easy. I’m planning on writing a full post on this soon, but lately I’ve just been feeling anxious and as if something is ‘off.’ When I finally came clean not only did it make me feel better, it helped remind me that whatever we are feeling, it is totally –and always – valid.
- A Gut Feeling – Me and Craig have been viewing lots of houses recently, and this weekend we found one that just felt right. We’ve booked a second viewing, so fingers crossed!
- Going Out Of The Ordinary – On Saturday I attended a murder mystery dinner filled with good food, live music and intrigue… Sometimes doing something different is just what the doctor ordered.
- Fruit – It’s no secret that my eating habits tend to reflect my mood. Feel like shit= eat shit. In an effort to turn things around instead of our ritual Sunday pudding, Craig whipped up an amazing fruit/yoghurt combo that made me realise what I’d been missing.
- Thinking About The Afterlife – For my mum’s birthday we went to a psychic night at a local pub. Murder mysteries, psychic nights… there seems to be a theme here lol. While the medium wasn’t the most accurate (or convincing) thinking about the supernatural or spirit world also inspires the writer within me.
So there we have it, my 7 Good Things of the past week. If you’ve been appreciating the small things this week I’d love to know, so don’t hesitate to get in touch!
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