7 Good Things – 01.03.2018
Another week, another list of good things! I think the last Good Things post may have jinxed us, as no sooner did I write about not having to defrost the car, we got hit by the Beast From The East, and honestly I’ve never seen so much snow – my front garden has completely disappeared from sight lol.
This week I’m feeling a lot more positive and optimistic about things to come, so maybe the changes I laid out in this post are already helping… Either way I’ve rambled enough, so here are my 7 Good Things:
- Vero – True Social – Would I even be a blogger if I didn’t mention this? Admittedly it’s a bit glitchy as it is struggling to adapt to the sudden surge in users but I love the idea of this app. The only downside so far is that I’m struggling to find people to follow, so if you’re on it –let me know!
- Leisurely lunches – it can be so easy to just grab a quick something and move on to the next task on your to do list, but whether at work or at home I always feel better if I actually stop what I am doing and take time out for lunch. Even if it is a #saddesklunch
- Clean Inboxes – Talking of work, ever have them days you feel you might never have a clear inbox, ever again. As soon as you reply to one message, three more appear. That pretty much sums up last week, but it felt so good managing to get on top of it!
- Snow – OK, this could easily be on a 7 bad things list because I hate driving in the stuff, but it is very pretty and helps make some very cosy nights in.
- Things Becoming Real – We made an offer on a house this week, and although it was unsuccessful it’s made the house-hunting process feel a lot more real.
- The Little Things – Some girls only swoon over a Mercedes, but in truth is there anything better to coming home and finding bae has already tidied up/ironed/made tea?
- Having A Clear Plan – For this piece of coursework I’ve broken it down into chunks and come up with a plan. Of course, there’s the danger I’ll be side tracked by The Real Housewives Of The OC and not stick to it, but having a plan in place makes me feel like I might actually have my shit together. Big up all da organisers and list makers out there!
I never know how to sign off on these posts, because lets face it – other than sharing things that have made me smile, there isn’t a definite, clear point. I’ve made no argument, shared an opinion or started a discussion.
In a weird way, maybe the point is sharing positive vibes, however small or random is enough in itself.
Peace out.
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